You’ll Thank Me Later

Do you ever stop? Like really stop? We are all so busy with our lives and work, trying to find time to catch a little TV or take a breath outside in the cool evening air. But do you ever stop? Stop thinking a million miles an hour and focusing on things that don’t really matter in the very end?

Try living in the moment. Watch the snow fall. See the bees fly around. Be amused by the neighbors fighting over whose parking spot is whose. Tell yourself, “In this moment, nothing matters. In this second, at this time, there are no bills, no appointments. nothing.” Just live. Just be. Do this. Go outside. Take a deep breath and hold it in for a second or two. Slowly exhale. Tell yourself the date and how old you are. Clear your mind and just look at the sky. Listen to trees or the traffic. Take it all in and remember this moment. You took this moment for yourself. You are alive.

This whole world moves way too fast. It’s spring. It’s summer. It’s Halloween. It’s Christmas. It’s New Year’s. Repeat. We become so wrapped up in the routine of life we never really stop to just exist. Remember being a little kid? What were your plans for the next day? Probably not a lot. The days were longer, and you enjoyed it more. You wanted to grow up so fast. You never knew this world was as fast moving as it is. Do it now, today, tomorrow, and next week. Take a moment and just be. Just exist. Count your blessings. Watch the leaves blow around on the ground. Listen to cars go by driven by people in a rush to somewhere. Take a moment. You’ll thank me later.


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